Wednesday 23 January 2013


In our body, specifically in the digestive tract, there are more than 500 species of microorganisms. If you are in balance, then everything is fine. The problem occurs when a microorganism in the vaginal civility.

 Candida alb cans is a type of yeast - fungus, which in humans can cause oral and genital infections. It is a normal part of the intestinal micro flora and oral and the acne normally harmless 80% of the population When yeast infection, causes candidacies.

This disease often occurs in people with weakened immune systems (organ transplant, AIDS, chemotherapy), and sometimes the cause of their death. Candida gets the infection in the body as a unicellular yeast form. However, this influence of environment changes in a multicultural invasive filamentous form.

Intestinal micro flora is composed of microorganisms that live in the digestive system of animals, including humans. Often hosts benefit, although some may even be harmful.

 The most common cause of disease candidacies is Candida alb cans, but it also causes Candida tropical is, Candida Ruse, Candida Para upsilon and Candida quilter mode.

Candidacies are a yeast infection that causes many inconveniences. Candida is present in the mucosa of the oral cavity and colon. The mucosa and can cause inflammation; mucous membranes grow and disrupt them.

 Helps develop an infection mainly decreased immunity (egg, due to aforementioned organ transplants), and diseases such as diabetes, long-term treatment with antibiotics, gyro static treatment of cancer or after complicated surgery.

One of the reasons is the consumption of poor quality food grown in industrial and non-organic environment.

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